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Spider veins: causes, risks, and preventionCustom page

Spider veins: causes, risks, and prevention

What are spider veins?

Spider veins, sometimes also known as superficial leg veins. They occur when the smaller veins assemble below the surface of the skin, causing red, blue, or purple blemishes. These veins got their name from the shape of the blemishes.

Some of the cases are very small, others are noticeable, they make people feel self-conscious, but they are non-dangerous and the treatment is done only for cosmetic purposes.


Usually, these spider veins are on thighs, calves, or ankles. They are typically visible on the face too. They are ordinary in women than men.

They increase with the increase in age. It could be hereditary or related to pregnancy, use of birth control pills, or weight gain. Approximate of 30% to 60% of adults have spider veins.

Get your treatment done at the best place, spider vein removal san Diego.

Causes –

Spider veins can be caused by several factors:

Symptoms -

The appearance of red or bluish-purple blood vessels, usually on legs, thighs, face, hands, or forearms. They may cause mild discomfort or a burning sensation. It gives an unpleasant appearance. They are small and gives a thread-like appearance.

If you are having these symptoms search, vein clinic San Diego.

Risk factors -

Factors which increase the risk of a person getting spider veins are

  1. Sun damage - the UV rays from the sun can damage and break the skin causing spider veins.
  2. Extra pressure on the face - forceful coughing, sneezing, or vomiting also increases the risk of spider veins.
  3. Previous blood clot -  blood clot or vein damage makes them unable to work properly.
  4. Standing or sitting for continuous long hours - when a person sits or stands, the veins in the legs have to work harder to pump the blood upwards towards the heart.
  5. Overweight - due to excessive weight, pressure could be caused on leg veins.
  6. Being female - spider veins are caused more in females than males.
  7. Hormones - hormonal treatments for menopause and hormonal birth control also, increases the risk of spider veins.
  8. Being older - with the growth in the age of a person, the muscle of the calves also lose their strength which enables veins to pump blood upwards.
  9. Genetics - more than 90 percent of the people with spider veins got it in their family hereditary.
  10. Pregnancy - due to extra weight during pregnancy, spider veins are caused on the legs. It is also seen that spider veins disappear after pregnancy, but it could also be permanent.


If you have been through any of this or facing such things, find out the best vein specialist San Diego.

Prevention :

Certain changes in the lifestyle can help you prevent spider veins. But if you still require consultation find out, vein doctor San Diego

vein treatment san Diego


  1. Wearing sunscreen, every time you go out in the sun.
  2. Usage of cover-up products, like wearing makeup to minimize or hide the spider veins temporarily could be helpful for people who are very self-conscious about the appearance.
  3. Raising legs while sitting or lying down could be helpful to increase the blood flow.
  4. Doing regular exercise also helps in the prevention of spider veins.
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight to prevent spider veins.
  6. Drinking alcohol can also cause spider veins, therefore limiting the consumption is essential.
  7. Tight clothing can restrict blood flow, so tight clothing should be avoided.

Spider veins are caused by damaged veins or burst blood vessels. They do not cause any health problems and are painless. Only those people who are conscious about the appearance get it treated.

Article Source: https://www.wellbeingcares.com/spider-veins-causes-risks-and-prevention/